Tag: apple

  • Home Assistant and WAN tracking

    It looks like I was not able to make good on my promise to more frequently post content I find interesting, as it has been almost two years since the last post and almost five since any actual content was posted! However, today I would like to come back and start talking about home automation.…

  • iPad 3rd Generation Retina Display

    There has been a lot of talk recently about the new iPad and how good the screen is.  As someone who has had the iPad 2 for a while and is now a new iPad owner, the difference is subtle but quite nice.  Everything is crisp and much easier to read.  Graphics have no visible…

  • Rest In Peace, Steve Jobs

    Today the world has lost a truly visionary man with the passing of Steve Jobs. I wish his family the best during this difficult time. More information can be found at Apple’s site

  • Recent Tech Updates

    This week has been pretty good for technology updates in my little world.  I’d like to highlight a few of these updates. First, the new iPhone 3.0 software update came out Wednesday.  The changes to the various programs are mainly fairly minor.  Such minor items include the ability to not load remote images in Mail,…

  • WWDC ’09: Get ready to hide

    It’s coming up again tomorrow – WWDC.  What’s WWDC?  That’s the Worldwide Developers Conference help by Apple every year.  I enjoy this conference and usually end up constantly refreshing the news sites (typically Engadget) to get information on what was new information was released from Apple since the last update.