Category: health

  • Isotretinoin – Week 2

    Today starts week two of my treatment with Isotretinoin.  So, what’s changed so far? Well, I’ve only gone through one week of treatment but some changes are starting to take place.  While I’ve not noticed any difference in the acne distribution and strength on my back, I have started to notice one of the most…

  • Vibram Five Fingers

    In the middle of October, I decided to take the plunge and buy a pair of Vibram Five Finger shoes.  I’d seen a few people wearing them in the gym and had heard about them before, but had never actually tried them on even.  I decided that the idea of barefoot running was intriguing enough…

  • Run To Keep Warm

    Before I left for work today, I decided that I wanted to run after work as the weather was looking better and the roads should be clearer.  However, just after I left the house I (of course) realized that I had forgotten my running gear.  It wasn’t really worth going back for since I was…

  • Isotretinoin – Week 1

    I have dealt with acne for a long time now.  I know that my acne isn’t as severe as my brother’s, but it’s still been with me for a time and hasn’t gotten any better.  It’s finally to the point however where something different has to happen to try to get rid of it as…

  • My First Half-Marathon

    My First Half-Marathon

    My first half-marathon took place in October of last year.  Needless to say, this post is a little bit dated! The race occurred on October 24th, 2010 in Flora, Indiana.  While the original location was supposed to be in Lafayette and West Lafayette, there was a long drawn-out series of events which prevented that from…