Category: updates
Server went for a lie-down
Well, it looks like sometime either late Wednesday or early Thursday the server that my sites are hosted on wanted a rest, so it took one. The RAID array that it’s located on had major issues and failed to rebuild twice which prompted my host to replace hardware. They ended up building a new server…
New Theme
Once again, has changed themes. This time, I’ve decided to change to a theme that’s easier to read, not as chaotic and is more professional. To the left is a screenshot of the previous layout. I’ve decided that I’m going to start taking a screenshot of previous layouts to be able to see…
Editorial Content
As it stands, is quite the boring little spot on the Interwebs. As much as I like my current setup, I think that I may soon shift my thinking for this site. I’ve got a few web programming projects that I’ve been putting off that will now take center stage in my personal time. …
Quick post: Steve Dahl, the radio legend, has been twittering for some time. About 20 minutes ago, he started following me on twitter! I know, it’s nothing big, but considering that he’s got 25,000 followers and less than 1,000 followees, I feel pretty good about that. 🙂 Go steve and it’s great to still get…