Well, Justin and I started the ball rolling tonight to officially quit the United States of America. We have been discussing for some time now on our future and where it should lead. While things in the USA have been slowly getting better in terms of gay rights, we need to think a little further outside the box. Note that this does not mean that I will be giving up my status as an US citizen nor would we abandon the country. Although we are just now starting this process, we would not be leaving the country until the end of 2012 or early 2013.
Canada provides many opportunities that we are unable to obtain here in the US.
- We can file jointly as a common-law union which would allow us to be recognized as a couple with sufficient financial and legal history.
- Upon receiving a permanent residency acceptance, we would be granted full rights (except the ability to vote and ability to obtain a passport) which is granted to every Canadian citizen.
- We could easily get married once we entered the country with zero issues.
- The Canadian life is similar to that of the US although there are obviously going to be differences – especially since our most likely destination is Québec (French Canada).
Obviously there are some things which must be considered. Primarily, this is a life-changing commitment. It is certainly not one to be taken lightly and it must be seriously considered from all angles. After our first contact with the chosen lawyer, we found that applying as a Québec Skilled Worker is the best option for me. This would be the best option for us as Québec is the only province that still allows IT as a listed category for skilled workers for immigration.
One large item which of course must be considered when entering any part of Canada, let alone Québec, is that the French language is a large part of their society. As Québec is where we would be arriving and would be starting our new future, we have already started to learn the basics of the French language.
So, where does this go from here? Well, since we just submitted the first payment to the lawyer tonight, tomorrow we will start working with the law firm and will go from there.
Naturally, with such an important and life-changing decision, everything related to this must be considered carefully. I will be posting regular updates here as information becomes available.
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