None of the content, all of the hype

  • Sparky, Welcome To Your New Home

    Justin and I would like to introduce you to Sparky, our newest family member. We adopted him from his earlier parents who had taken great care of him and had done all the first legwork of shots, neutering and housebreaking. I greatly appreciate that we got a great friendly dog who is already house-broken! Sparky…

  • RIP: Jason

    In mid-April we went to PetSmart and bought two mice.  Justin had wanted some different pets and I finally caved and agreed.  We bought the darker one because he was running around all over the place and wouldn’t stop running on the wheel in the store.  Due to all my running we named him Kevin.  The…

  • Proposition Infinity

    This week’s Futurama episode, Proposition Infinity, dealt with a very serious topic in a comedic way. Robosexual marriage. In seriousness though, the episode took the entire gay marriage mess going on now, applied it to robot-human relationships and poked massive fun at it.  I think one of the best parts was when they had basically…

  • Woot & Amazon Sitting In a Tree

    …k-i-s-s-i-n-g.  Sorry, I’m back. Anyway, mega-company acquired the small  Woot will continue being as crazy and continue to sell as many crappy items as ever before so not really a big change. Let the monkey tell you more:

  • I’m On A Boat!

    Yesterday we drove to Bloomington, IN to visit with Zhiyu, one of Justin’s friends from China.  She showed us around her campus, which was quite beautiful.  Afterwards we went to lunch with some of her friends.  We then drove to Lake Monroe for some trail-walking and boating, after which ate a good dinner. Me driving…