None of the content, all of the hype

  • George Takei’s take on Clint McCance

    Clint McCance, a former school board member from Arkansas who posted on Facebook that gay kids should just go kill themselves, is a total douchebag. Take it away George! It really does get better.

  • OK Go – White Knuckles

    Yesterday Mom sent me a link to Huffington Post where they had a short article up about OK Go’s latest music video, White Knuckles. The video is supporting Animal Rescue. As the new owner of Sparky, who was a stray that his previous parents had found and we eventually continued caring for, I have a…

  • A Day Off, A Day With Small Friends

    Today I had taken a vacation day to get some stuff accomplished around the house and to just rest some.  Both missions were accomplished successfully.  While outside getting rid of some dead plants, I found a few small friends.  Say hi to the caterpillar and the grasshopper.

  • Strudel, Car #2

    The day I fell off my bike, we decided that one car just wasn’t working out anymore and it was time to start looking for a second car. After work, I walked my bike to the car (Justin had it) and we went to Bob Rohrman’s Fairgrounds event.  Pretty much every car was at the…

  • The Day I Went Flying

    On August 27th, I had a pretty bad day.  I was riding my bike to work like the weeks before and was about one block from work.  When I was close to the last intersection that I had to pass, the pedestrian light was on.  It had started to blink that there was only twenty…