None of the content, all of the hype
DADT Repeal
Yesterday marked the official repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the US Millitary’s ban on gay servicemen from serving openly. Above is a video produced by one military man (Randy Phillips) coming out to his Dad yesterday.
After work today, Justin and I went to the College of Engineering 2011 Graduate Dinner. I (of course) went as Justin’s spouse and you had your choice of either Chick-Fil-A or Jimmy Johns. Why would I possibly pick Jimmy Johns when I could have me some delicious Chick-Fil-A?! After eating we snagged ourselves a picture…
Chicago Half Marathon
Yesterday I ran the Chicago Half Marathon. While I am happy that I was able to run it and it was certainly an amazing experience, I didn’t end up getting the time that I wanted and although it’s only my second half marathon, it’s also my last. I ended with a time of 2:09:07, which…
Molly, The Queen
Molly proves almost every day that she’s the queen and last week I was able to capture it in a small photo shoot. I came home last week and found Molly sitting in the middle of a blanket which was in a ball in the middle of the bed – like she was on her…
How to Use Chopsticks
Image from