None of the content, all of the hype

  • DADT Repeal

    Yesterday marked the official repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, the US Millitary’s ban on gay servicemen from serving openly.  Above is a video produced by one military man (Randy Phillips) coming out to his Dad yesterday.

  • Chick-Fil-A

    After work today, Justin and I went to the College of Engineering 2011 Graduate Dinner.  I (of course) went as Justin’s spouse and you had your choice of either Chick-Fil-A or Jimmy Johns.  Why would I possibly pick Jimmy Johns when I could have me some delicious Chick-Fil-A?! After eating we snagged ourselves a picture…

  • Chicago Half Marathon

    Yesterday I ran the Chicago Half Marathon.  While I am happy that I was able to run it and it was certainly an amazing experience, I didn’t end up getting the time that I wanted and although it’s only my second half marathon, it’s also my last. I ended with a time of 2:09:07, which…

  • Molly, The Queen

    Molly proves almost every day that she’s the queen and last week I was able to capture it in a small photo shoot.  I came home last week and found Molly sitting in the middle of a blanket which was in a ball in the middle of the bed – like she was on her…

  • How to Use Chopsticks

    Image from