Tag: technology
ChatGPT – A Short Story
ChatGPT is an interesting tool which gained popularity in the recent present as an AI model capable of a range of activities from answering basic questions from a vast amount of common knowledge, to writing creative texts, to providing basic programming frameworks which a developer can then expand upon. Tonight I happened to click back…
Raspberry Pi (2011) model B as Unifi Controller
I have setup new networking equipment to provide a large upgrade to my home network. One component that was required was a small server to manage the access point, a Unifi AP AC Pro. One option is to purchase a small device from Ubiquiti called a Cloud Key that has the management software pre-loaded. Another option…
Comcast, Alternative DNS and CDNs
Recently I started noticing problems with our Comcast service that although speed tests were very speedy, as were certain downloads – primarily torrents of Linux distributions, other content downloads were pathetically slow. These would include items such as iTunes downloads, streaming content and the like. It wasn’t until I switched my router from using Google…
My Raspberry Pi
Today I finally received my Raspberry Pi! I had ordered mine on February 29th, but because of the tremendous demand for the product there were large delays on actually receiving one. I will not have time to do much with it because I have a lot of studying for French, but I did plug in…
The new iPad
Today Apple and it’s team of executives headed by Tim Cook announced the new iPad. No number, no “HD” for this one, just “the new iPad”. This will surely cause some confusion, so let’s just all agree to call it the third generation iPad shall we? As time has gone on, I have found myself…