Tag: nike

  • Purdue 5k

    Well, guess I shouldn’t make statements on when I’ll post next.  Obviously I don’t follow through on them.  Moving on, much has happened since my last post. I moved to a much nicer place.  I used to live in a small 550 square foot apartment but now I live in a 1200 square foot three-bedroom…

  • Running from the weight

    As I posted a few weeks ago, I have been actively using Nike+ and have seen real results from sticking with that program.  Well, here are those results.  The chart to the left is my progress.  Every Sunday morning I weigh myself on the same scale at the same time of the day to have…

  • Real results with Nike+

    Many months ago I started working out. Needless to say, it didn’t really work out that good.  I had originally tried working out by doing all the weights and using the treadmill and biking machines.  It was nice for a short time and all, but I very quickly lost the enthusiasm to keep up with…