Category: Random

  • Random Video

    Well, I’m starting to get into this whole blog thing and post just random thing I find online. I was reading The Advocate’s October 9 issue and in one part it said something about some YouTube video that has Liam Sullivan in it. I have no clue who that is, but searched for the video…

  • It’s been a long time…

    Well, it’s been a really long time since I’ve actually updated my website so I figured it was about time to post something new on here. In the past I’ve not posted much about myself or my life and what’s going on in it, but figured that it was time to actually change that. I…

  • Personal Survey

    [ The Basics ] :: Name Keith :: Any nicknames? Keit (hard to explain) :: Date of birth? 6/9 :: Age? 22 :: Gender? Male

  • Styx – May 2007

    Last night we went to a Styx concert in South Bend, IN at the Morris Civic Performing Arts Center. The show was absolutely amazing. The opening act wasn’t that good in my opinion. They had a half-hour show, then there was a half-hour intermission. After that though, the Styx played a show that was just…

  • OutFoxed

    As a guy who is obviously hated by almost all Republicans and Conservatives, there is little I hate more in this great country than the crap-spewing Fox News Channel. Well, there is President Bush, but hate is a pretty strong word. Let me change my wording to say ‘very strongly disagree.’ Mom, thanks for teaching…