TCF: Afterthoughts

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Today, Justin and I took the TCF (Test de connaissance de Française) at the Alliance Française de Chicago.  I have taken a French class at the Alliance as well as private tutoring to help me to prepare for the test while we both took advantage of many resources to study practice tests for the TCF (All resources we used are listed below.  Links are provided if available.)

While we will not know the results of the test for 2-3 weeks from now, we are hopeful that at least I was able to obtain an A2 level of French in both oral express and comprehension.  The language structure and reading comprehension portions of the test were not important for us however we tried to do the best possible that we could regardless.  I felt like I stuttered a lot during the verbal expression, however looking back I think it wasn’t as bad as I thought.  I was able to expand on several topics while staying in-line with the theme.  Justin didn’t do bad as well and hopes to possibly reach a basic A2 level.

Resources used:








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