None of the content, all of the hype
Happy Birthday Molly
Happy Birthday, Molly. She’s 15 years old today which, according to is equal to 77 years old! She’s aged well and is doing just as good today as ever. 🙂
Purdue 5k
Well, guess I shouldn’t make statements on when I’ll post next. Obviously I don’t follow through on them. Moving on, much has happened since my last post. I moved to a much nicer place. I used to live in a small 550 square foot apartment but now I live in a 1200 square foot three-bedroom…
New Year Randomness
A few things for the new year: Congratulations to those in New Hampshire for being another state allowing gay marriage. It’s a crime that it’s not globally recognized, but we’ll get there eventually. I guess I wrongfully assumed that the phrase “…all men are created equal.” in the Declaration of Independence actually applied to ALL…
Happy (almost) New Year!
Here’s to the end of 2009 and the beginning of a new era! It’s been a busy year which has certainly flown by quickly for me personally and professionally. What I’m hoping for in the coming year: More rights as a person who happens to love a guy Continued weight loss thanks to Nike+ and…
Christmas is gay
Mr. & Mrs. Claus have no issues with their gay son and neither should you! Happy Holidays!