None of the content, all of the hype

  • Happy Birthday to me

    Well, I’m a week late on my birthday post, but whatever.  Last Wednesday (June 9), was my 26th birthday. Justin and I celebrated pretty simply – we went to dinner at Red Lobster and then went home.  Sounds like a good day to me. Some other items that have happened recently: This week I passed…

  • Mr. Coffee Cafe Frappe

    This past weekend, Justin and I bought a Mr. Coffee Cafe Frappe machine.  There was a sale going on at Meijer (20% off any single general-merchandise item) so it was a great time.  I have recently gotten addicted to the Mocha and Caramel Frappes at McDonald’s and was looking for a cheaper alternative. Enter the…

  • 500th Mile

    I just finished my 500th mile running with Nike+. I haven’t advanced to the next “color” on the website (the colors are indications of how far you have run with the milestone to reach the next progressively further), however my progress so far is impressive to myself. Had I looked into my future even one…

  • xkcd – Campfire

    Just a funny comic posted today to xkcd.  Enjoy.  If you don’t get it, sorry.  🙂

  • Woot Random Crap

    Today I received my first Random Crap from Woot.  I purchased this during the Woot Happy Hour (5pm-6pm EST every Wednesday) on April 28. I’ve been a member of Woot for over three years but just at the end of April was finally able to get a Random Crap (also called Bag of Crap or BoC).…