None of the content, all of the hype
Ce Soir, Nous Allons À Wal-Mart
Ce soir mon mari et moi nous sommes allé à Wal-Mart en notre velos. Well, I was going to try to write more about tonight in French, but it’s too difficult with my current vocabulary set and also because I mainly only know the present-tense of the verbs that I do know. Know how to…
The Sanctity of Traditional Marriage
Quick post to display an infographic I found via a blog I follow. Religious extremists like to state that allowing marriage equality (which doesn’t mean a holy marriage but rather a civil that grants all of the same rights and responsibilities) will be going against “traditional” marriage. Let’s take a look at “traditional” marriage through…
1,000 Miles
Yesterday I passed a milestone in my running which I hadn’t originally thought I’d get to. I ran a weird-distance to run my 1,000th mile!
Minnesota Marriage Amendment
The state of Minnesota’s elected officials pushed through a marriage amendment bill which will be voted on by the citizens in the November 2012 elections. This is a hurtful bill as it will constitutionally define marriage to be between one man and one woman. This is an obvious blow to marriage equality for all. I’ll no longer…
Mon Premier Note En Français
Bonjour. C’est mon premier note en Français. Je vais écrire en Français plus souvent. Aujourd’hui, je vais essayer écrire une note en Français pour mon blog. Mais, c’est difficile comme je n’ai pas un grand vocabulaire. Je ne sais pas quoi écrire!