None of the content, all of the hype
Shanghai – The First Few Days
Justin and I are a few days in on our China 2011 trip. While this trip is the first for both of us to get to visit Shanghai, the main purpose of this trip is two-fold. One, it has been three years since he was able to visit his family so it’s time to reconnect…
Corey: Woodworker Extraordinaire
Recently, Corey went ahead and actually built himself a CNC router. This is something that is amazing to me as it is a huge amount of work and takes a lot of great thought to get all the components and make them actually work together. I don’t have any pics of the router itself, but…
It’s Time
There’s a new ad going around in Australia which is probably the best ad for marriage equality that I’ve seen yet. The video is embedded below, but it shows normal life and how two people want to just be together. It’s not about gay marriage, people. It’s about marriage. Such a simple video, such a powerful message.…
Shutterfly Winner
As promised, the winner of the recent Shutterfly Contest I held is being announced via this post. As luck would have it though, I had received several codes but a family member ended up not wanting a code, so the other two entrants are both winners! Everybody wins! 🙂 Congrats to Lori and Jaime and…
7 Billion People
Today marks the day the Earth’s population surpassed 7 billion. While there have been more than 7 billion people on earth, never before have so many people been alive at one point. Want to know where you fall on this chart? Visit the BBC to find out. The above info-graphic is my place in the…