None of the content, all of the hype

  • Call Me Maybe

    Quick post with a video from Carly Rae Jepsen called Call Me Maybe.  Pretty good song and the video is so cool.  The last 30 seconds are the best though.

  • The new iPad

    Today Apple and it’s team of executives headed by Tim Cook announced the new iPad. No number, no “HD” for this one, just “the new iPad”. This will surely cause some confusion, so let’s just all agree to call it the third generation iPad shall we? As time has gone on, I have found myself…

  • Howard Stern: Great Man

    I’ve not listened to Howard Stern much, but the video below is just great.  It’s an audio clip from his radio show.  His reactions to the anti-gay bile being thrown around is inspiring.

  • Freedom From Religious Persecution

    The United States was originally founded because the first immigrants from Europe were searching for freedom from religious persecution.  How fitting that today, hundreds of years later, their descendants are persecuting others based on that same religion. As a gay man, I have limited rights in the country I was born despite the fact that the founding…

  • Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center

    On December 30th, we traveled to the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center which is only 6 miles north of downtown Chengdu.  Once you arrive it is a quiet serene contrast to the rest of the city.  We went with several of Justin’s relatives and the album below is but a small sampling of the many…