None of the content, all of the hype

  • Happy Birthday, Molly!

    A quick post to say Happy Birthday to Molly! She is 17 years young today but doesn’t look a day over 5. She’s still just as lively as ever.

  • Caine’s Arcade

    I finally watched a video today that has been swirling around the Interwebs about Caine’s Arcade.  It’s a cardboard arcade made by a 9 year old boy in L.A.  He made it in the front of his dad’s used auto parts store out of various pieces of cardboard laying around. It’s a great video and…

  • Purdue Relay for Life

    Last night Justin and I participated in the 2012 Relay for Life held at the Purdue Armory. Justin went to man a booth through his fellowship and was selling cupcakes and gave supplies for people to make cards for children at Riley’s hospital. I went to walk the relay and enjoy the activities. Justin and…

  • iPad 3rd Generation Retina Display

    There has been a lot of talk recently about the new iPad and how good the screen is.  As someone who has had the iPad 2 for a while and is now a new iPad owner, the difference is subtle but quite nice.  Everything is crisp and much easier to read.  Graphics have no visible…

  • Wedding Bells Abound

    It seems like wedding bells are ringing for everyone anymore.  In October I had accepted a job offer after applying to a different part of Purdue University.  In talking with my new manager, I found out she wasn’t married but had been with her boyfriend about as long as Justin and I have been.  Apart…