Tag: youtube

  • The Riddle

    The Riddle is a new video from the UN Human Rights Office and is a simple expression of a fact some people do not want to accept.  LGBT people exist and face horrible violence in some countries, but the UN stands behind LGBT and is working to stop it. More posts coming soon!

  • Dog, Cat, Water

    And you thought cats were mean! PS: I’m trying to post at least something minor more often.  I’m using a WordPress feature called “PressThis” which allows me to post anything I see on random sites.

  • The Paris Flat

    John Saint-Denis, a designer, released the video above for Valentine’s Day this year.  It’s a beautiful video with a great ending.  Enjoy!

  • I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone

    I watched a video recently that was really touching and shows the purity of love be it same-sex or otherwise.  It can transcend many barriers and is beautiful.  The video below should have captions auto-enabled as the video isn’t in English but be sure to watch the whole thing.  Enjoy the touching and heart-warming video!

  • Illegal To Be You

    The video above may not be suitable for young viewers due to some cursing and violence. As stated in the video, what if it were illegal to be tall or have a certain type of eye color?  That is the kind of prejudice that I go through at times.  I am glad to work at…