Tag: equality
The Paris Flat
John Saint-Denis, a designer, released the video above for Valentine’s Day this year. It’s a beautiful video with a great ending. Enjoy!
More Than Just A Couple
Today, in an email from Indiana Equality Action, I learned that there are 614 rights and responsibilities denied to Justin and I as we are not able to get married in the State of Indiana. These are on top of the 1,138 rights and responsibilities granted at the Federal level. So now we’re up to…
Pastor on Obama and Marriage Equality
The video above is difficult for me to watch because the Pastor’s voice is pretty hard to follow just because of his intonation. However, it’s one of several great videos which have come out recently from various churches ever since President Obama stated his stance on marriage equality. It’s well worth watching the entire video!
Marriage Equality
Another marriage equality video, this time from a campaign in the UK. They’re not real soldiers but it’s still a great short video. The best way I can sum it up is to quote the commenter cjmandrake “Remember, they aren’t special rights, they are equal rights.”
It’s Time
There’s a new ad going around in Australia which is probably the best ad for marriage equality that I’ve seen yet. The video is embedded below, but it shows normal life and how two people want to just be together. It’s not about gay marriage, people. It’s about marriage. Such a simple video, such a powerful message.…