Category: Random
Save The Baby Birdie
This past weekend, Justin and I were going for a walk with Sparky and we found the above little baby bird. (S)he had fallen out of the nest and was wandering around unable to get back in. Their nest was in a support beam for two mailboxes a few houses down from ours. The baby…
Simple title, simple post. On my morning walk with Sparky today he found a little friend. I thought it was a spider, but was surprised to see a large frog. Haven’t seen one of that size around here.
Shower Friends
Quick post this morning. I’m going to be doing more of these to get back into writing. Also, these posts will start to incorporate some French so I can get in practice. This morning I went for my shower and although I am used to having Justin with me or Sparky poking his head in…
Stand Up! Don’t Stand for Homophobic Bullying
A quick post to show a touching and inspiring YouTube video from Ireland’s BeLonGTo Youth Service. I was never out when I was in high school (heck, I didn’t even know what I was back then), but a scene like this certainly would have been very inspiring indeed.
Front View Boys
Quick post – a video reply to another YouTube video on how many people look at a guy’s package. Original video is a woman who attached a camera to her backside. [Note: the original video was removed from YouTube for violation of policies.]