Category: Random
Typical of most specialty networks, the channel that I now watch as much as SciFi Channel, Comedy Central and Discovery is only available through DirecTV on an upgraded plan. This channel is LOGO. Yeah, it’s the gay channel. It’s apparently been on the air since 2005 but I just started watching a few weeks ago.…
It’s not a lifestyle, it’s a life
Let me preface this post by saying that it is indeed the first of its kind on my site. Anyway, this is going to be a rant. Been a while since I’ve done one of those. I’ve become more annoyed lately in the media (although not exclusively to FOX, they are a huge annoyance), the…
Information Klok v2.2 (previously released) has been retracted due to errors in it that caused alarms to not repeat all the time even when set to do so. You may download Klok 2.1 until the next version (2.4) is released. It is going to be re-written from the ground up. The next version of Klok…
Posting Test
Just testing out posting to my new blog system, WordPress 2.1. However, expect more posts (if anyone still visits the site even).
IQ & Politics
Here’s an interesting site that gives the actual IQ overall per state for the 2004 election. It’s quite interesting to see why we are still stuck with Bush.