Category: Personal

  • Pastor on Obama and Marriage Equality

    The video above is difficult for me to watch because the Pastor’s voice is pretty hard to follow just because of his intonation.  However, it’s one of several great videos which have come out recently from various churches ever since President Obama stated his stance on marriage equality.  It’s well worth watching the entire video!

  • Québec Interview Result: Pending

    Photo Credit: David via Compfight Justin and I just got done with our interview with the Québec Immigration official and while we were not granted the CSQ we were also not rejected. We were told that our French should be at an intermediate level whereas it is at a basic level currently. Also, we have…

  • Québec Immigration Interview

    Photo Credit: Trey Ratcliff via Compfight In one week from now Justin and I will be in New York City with a Québec immigration official in order to determine if we will be admitted to the Quebec Skilled Worker program and if we will be issued a CSQ (Quebec Selection Certificate).  We have been working…

  • Molly Wanted to Say…

    Last night Justin and I went out to eat a fantastic dinner at Burger King (sarcasm is heavily intended) because we didn’t have much to eat at home and wanted to get something fairly quick.  Before we left I was transcribing some of a Pimsleur French lesson and Molly decided she’d try her hand paw at it…

  • Photogenic Sparky

    The SparkyCam site has been broken for a while but will soon be updated to show one pic per day.  Here are a few pics of Sparky recently that have showed up to show how photogenic he can be.