Category: Family
Freedom From Religious Persecution
The United States was originally founded because the first immigrants from Europe were searching for freedom from religious persecution. How fitting that today, hundreds of years later, their descendants are persecuting others based on that same religion. As a gay man, I have limited rights in the country I was born despite the fact that the founding…
Shanghai – The First Few Days
Justin and I are a few days in on our China 2011 trip. While this trip is the first for both of us to get to visit Shanghai, the main purpose of this trip is two-fold. One, it has been three years since he was able to visit his family so it’s time to reconnect…
Corey: Woodworker Extraordinaire
Recently, Corey went ahead and actually built himself a CNC router. This is something that is amazing to me as it is a huge amount of work and takes a lot of great thought to get all the components and make them actually work together. I don’t have any pics of the router itself, but…
2011 Christmas Cards
It’s coming up on that time of the year again to start preparing for Christmas. This year will be especially busy as we will be going to China again. It has been nearly three years since we’ve gone back and seen Justin’s family. There is a lot of preparation work that goes into a trip…
After work today, Justin and I went to the College of Engineering 2011 Graduate Dinner. I (of course) went as Justin’s spouse and you had your choice of either Chick-Fil-A or Jimmy Johns. Why would I possibly pick Jimmy Johns when I could have me some delicious Chick-Fil-A?! After eating we snagged ourselves a picture…