Category: Editorial
Woot & Amazon Sitting In a Tree
…k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Sorry, I’m back. Anyway, mega-company acquired the small Woot will continue being as crazy and continue to sell as many crappy items as ever before so not really a big change. Let the monkey tell you more:
New Year Randomness
A few things for the new year: Congratulations to those in New Hampshire for being another state allowing gay marriage. It’s a crime that it’s not globally recognized, but we’ll get there eventually. I guess I wrongfully assumed that the phrase “…all men are created equal.” in the Declaration of Independence actually applied to ALL…
Christmas is gay
Mr. & Mrs. Claus have no issues with their gay son and neither should you! Happy Holidays!
Purdue University Airport – UAV Exhibit
Earlier today we went to view a scale model of the Northrop Grumman Global Hawk unmanned military aircraft. When we first went into the airport we saw the model of the engine used (pictures at the end) and a representative from Rolls Royce was listing off specs which, naturally, made no sense to me at…
Sinead’s Hand
Why can’t we all be equal?