Category: Editorial

  • 7 Billion People

    Today marks the day the Earth’s population surpassed 7 billion.  While there have been more than 7 billion people on earth, never before have so many people been alive at one point.  Want to know where you fall on this chart?  Visit the BBC to find out.  The above info-graphic is my place in the…

  • Rest In Peace, Steve Jobs

    Today the world has lost a truly visionary man with the passing of Steve Jobs. I wish his family the best during this difficult time. More information can be found at Apple’s site

  • Signorile Interview with Sen. Forrester

    Watch the video above to see a great interview from Sirius XM radio host Michelangelo Signorile interviewing North Carolina GOP State Sen. James Forrester. It’s a great interview where Signorile brings calm reasoning to a State Senator who can’t answer simple questions and bring horrible bias and extremely bad incorrect “facts” to introduce legislation to ban…

  • French: Common Verb Conjugation

    Today we’ll be learning French instead of journaling the day.  Let’s conjugate the four most commonly used verbs: aller, avoir, être and faire and give some example sentences. Aller (to go) Je vais bien – I go well; I’m good Tu vas faire quelque chose – You’re go to do something Il va à Paris…

  • The Sanctity of Traditional Marriage

    Quick post to display an infographic I found via a blog I follow.  Religious extremists like to state that allowing marriage equality (which doesn’t mean a holy marriage but rather a civil that grants all of the same rights and responsibilities) will be going against “traditional” marriage.  Let’s take a look at “traditional” marriage through…