Well, it’s been a really long time since I’ve actually updated my website so I figured it was about time to post something new on here.
In the past I’ve not posted much about myself or my life and what’s going on in it, but figured that it was time to actually change that.
I was previously in a relationship but got out of it a while back. Since then I’ve just been casually looking around for someone who I could be friends with. I’ve done this through various websites but hadn’t really found anyone that I clicked with really easily.
Last week though, on one of the websites I’m on someone sent me a message. This is what his profile said:
New Purdue Grad
New to this town even US. Hope to make some friends here possibly a boyfriend a serious relationship. Not into hookups. Prefer guys arround my age. Bet there are some guys into Asians. Is that you?
I guess I’ve found the right man though. We will see.
I replied back to him and within a few days time we had already chatted almost 10 hours. We decided that we wanted to meet each other so I drove down to Purdue West Lafayette and was with him for the weekend. It really was a great weekend. His American name is Justin. Mostly we just relaxed together but also we went to a Karaoke. There were probably about 200 Chinese people there and only about 2 Americans – including me. The whole thing was in Chinese, but still it was fun. Justin helped me out whenever I couldn’t tell what was going on but a lot of it you really didn’t have to know the language to understand.
Anyway, so far things are going really good. I really like being around him and he’s just a really nice and kind guy. We’re actually video chatting right now. I’ve never done that before, but it’s good to see him even though I’m 80 miles away. Not going to be able to see him next weekend as he’s going to New York for sight seeing, but can’t wait to see him again the weekend after that.
Until next time,